Tag: linux

  • Move a raspberry pi installation to a bigger micro sd card

    Have you ended up with a too small sd card on your raspberry pi? I did. I wish I had used a 32GB instead of a 8GB card. I’ve only got 500MB left, which reminds me that this was the total har…

  • Visualizing 100k decimals of Pi, Tau and e with Python

    Having an interest for numbers, Linux and small scale programming and scripting shortens the route to test out things like this. It generally starts out with: “I wonder what that would look like” and ends in a continuous awe for numbers, programming…

  • Type the Vulcan salute anywhere in Linux

    Type the Vulcan salute (made famous by Spock) anywhere in Linux like this: ctrl + shift + u followed by 1f596 + spacebar 🖖 (or any unicode symbol) 🚀 1f680 is cool too 😉 For those in Microsoft Windows, there is hope.…

  • Create plasma-fractal wallpapers for your phone with ImageMagick

    Do you like fractals? Do you like plasma? Perhaps both? Or do you simply like to fiddle with linux terminal commands? I know what I like, therefore I give you a one liner to create five awesome wallpapers for your phone: Download…

  • How to create those evil hacker virus voices from the 90s

    Remember those old hacker films from the 80-90s? I do. There is especially one that comes to mind and that is “Hackers” from 1995. Jonny Lee Miller from the ongoing Netflix hit Elementary is of the two lead characters. The other one…

  • Generate beautiful background sci-fi space noise in linux command line

    Here is a couple of examples of how you can generate beautiful background sounds directly in linux command line with the play command (install the vox package in your linux distribution). Sound in space (sure, lets image that would work) play -n…

  • Et par erfaringer med HTML5 videotag

    Jeg skrev et pythonskript som skulle hente ned stillbilder fra en rekke forskjellige webkameraer som vegvesenet har gjort tilgjengelig på sine sider. Deretter skulle skriptet sette sammen stillbildene til en timelapsefilm. Fra stillbilder til levende film Vegvesenet opplyser at de ikke lagrer…

  • Show cron jobs as an agenda

    As a linux user I also use the cron daemon for controlling when to run tasks. Mostly I don’t interfere with the systems cron jobs, but add my own schedules tasks using the command crontab -e. Reading the cron jobs with crontab…

  • Learn to navigate the linux command line with Terminus – the game

    Terminus is what you think it is, a game with a purpose of teaching you to use the command line in linux or unix. The command line is the advanced interface that allows you to do a whole lot of work without…

  • Get a nice looking terminal prompt in ubuntu

    The terminal is a non-graphical frontend to the operating system and in linux the most commonly used one is called bash. Normally and I am only guessing here, if you are a terminal user, you don’t spend much time prettifying the look…

  • Min nære slekt illustrert

    GRAMPS er et åpent kildekode-program som jeg har installert på Ubuntu linux sudo apt-get install gramps Jeg har lagt inn noen generasjoner og fra menyen kan du generere forskjellige rapporter, men det var en jeg likte spesielt godt: “Fan report”, vist i…