Tag: art

  • Draw a cityscape in day and night with Python turtle

    I’ve earlier blogged about drawing a cityscape or urban landscape just by using squares with the Python turtle library. Now, I also have written a Python script that creates a randomized blue sky filled with seagulls, clouds, a rainbow and a the…

  • Et år i farger

    Se for deg at du står på ett sted i et helt år. Fra 1. januar til 31. desember. Du holder i hånden en termometer og et fargekart. På formiddagen 1. januar, den første dagen, gjør du en måling, noterer ned hvor…

  • A technological rainbow – finding the visible spectrum in a CD

    There are seven wavelength ranges within the visible spectrum that each correspond to a different color. The colors fall in an order red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Compact Disc (CD) surface enlarged 500 times I placed a microscope with…

  • 100 000 Pi (π) decimals vs. random numbers

    I have previously written a post about how I decided to visualize 100k decimals of Pi, Tau and e with Python. To do that I chose a simple set of three rules that was repeated for each decimal digit; For each of…